ACEREZ is committed to establishing genuine relationships with the community and stakeholders, underpinned by the belief that open, early and effective communication is key to the success of the Central-West Orana REZ transmission project.
Keep key stakeholders and the community informed about the project, its risks and benefits
Use a variety of communication tools to communicate with the community and stakeholders to ensure they have access to timely information
Maintain ongoing communication even at times when construction slows or stops
Involve the community and get involved – volunteer with the Rural Fire Service/State Emergency Service, employ locals where possible and procure locally to boost local economies
Ensure any investment in the community is what the community wants
Understand that engagement is a two-way process, be open to alternative views and listen as well as speak
Explain to stakeholders how their feedback will be used
Recognise the different communication needs and preferences of stakeholders and endeavour to meet these wherever possible
Have a representative of the project as the main point of contact for the community throughout the project to provide consistency and be available to meet face-to-face when requested
Staff community forums and other stakeholder meetings including with members of ACEREZ senior management
Consider our promises and deliver on them
Provide regular feedback on key deliverables to remain accountable to the community
Adhere to ACEREZ’s values
Talk transparently with community members and stakeholders
Be available in person to the community
Be easily contactable via the 1800 number and email
Provide informative, factual and transparent communication using simple language and in ways the community wants to receive it
Be inclusive and be sensitive to the community’s concerns
Be responsive and collaborate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups to build understanding and share benefits
Understand and protect cultural heritage and community values
Learn from past experience, listen to feedback and regularly review and monitor our approach and be prepared to make changes to meet community needs and expectations